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Flipped Classroom Approach-Based Professional Development for VET Trainers

                     Sep 2016 – Aug 2018

Considering the technological innovations and recommendations, Flipped-VET project will strengthen the professional development of trainers in different vocational fields; condition that helps to make it more attractive their education. Particularly, Flip through the dissemination of a blend methodology still poorly known in Europe - the Flipped classroom - aims to make the trainers of the most active in the world of work, competent in terms of teaching and capable of carrying a mentoring role. This method is based on the transformation of traditional classes in Creative Classrooms’ (CCR), namely in innovative learning environments that fully embed the potential of ICT to innovate learning and teaching practices in formal, non-formal and informal settings.
“Flipping Classroom” would be especially beneficial for the vocational education sectors, where the different institutions are facing the challenge to meet the needs of the ever-changing labor market. The innovative elements of this project can be resumed in these points: a) support the change from a theoretic learning to a social and constructive learning. Class time, with no more frontal lessons allows changing the teaching method. Exercises and laboratories take place in a collaborative context now, with the support of trainers finding time to transform training strategies trough the active learning: from the inquiry learning to the problem solving; from the cooperative learning to the peer tutoring. Learning in between of equals can be considered a central point for the new setting of the class; b) it makes possible to customize the training process. This training setting can answer to the persons’ needs. We can easily identify professionalizing courses, more flexible in timing and trough the creation of working groups, trainers can better stimulate user; c) it draws a new role for the trainer.

              TAKE CARE

                              Oct 2013 – Dec 2015

 ‘Take Care’ provides new solutions in terms of skills transparency and recognition, skills development, learning opportunities and access to information. It will be achieved by developing brand new solutions.
Take Care will develop innovative training material in the three selected fields:
Health and Safety
Soft Skills
These three themes correspond to the main difficulties these professionals encounter.
The innovative training modules will be ICT based, an e-handbook describing innovative management tools will be downloadable in all partners’ languages; health, safety regulations and soft skill training adapted to the needs of the target group will be available as online training.

Ready-Steady-Internship (RSI)

             Oct 2013 – Sep 2015

The project´s ultimate goal is to have more VET students starting an internship, which really matches their interest field, skills and competencies. Only if interns work at a company on the tasks that matches their own competencies, skills and interest, the placement will be a win-win situation for all parties involved. The Ready Steady Internship project helps the students to find the right kind of company.
In the end the website will include all the necessary documents and tools for VET students and teachers to find a real matching internship. The website and all tools will become available in English, German, French, Spanish, Polish and Dutc

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