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      BIG BANG

          Oct 2012 – Sep 2014


            Aug 2012 – Jul 2014


                     Jul 2011 – Jul 2013

BIG BANG (The 'Big Bang': bridging the cultural clash between young, marginalised groups of young people and the world of work and VET). BB is concerned with the ‘culture clash’ between work-based culture and a culture of worklessness, social exclusion and low ambition. Its particular focus young people who are participating in anti-social/negative peer group behaviour (including ‘gang’ culture and offending), and to address the disproportionate under-representation of young people from marginalised groups (Black, minority and migrant communities) accessing initial VET and employment in the partner countries. The main aim of BB is to import and export, test, adapt existing innovative VET methodologies that have been developed to address the 'clash'.
In terms of outcomes, BB takes these methodologies and materials and, though a process of comparative analysis, design, testing and synthesis, will produce new guidance and training materials for the target group of VET-related professionals (trainers; employability, information advice and guidance (EIAG) workers). The materials will accompany a new competency framework for VET professionals, which we will draw from national VET systems and align to the EQF. Our impact, ultimately, is that through this process and our accompanying dissemination programme, we create a holistic solution to the ‘cultural clash’ concept.

Adult education is a concept mostly accepted for improving professional skills.
Being a parent/ grandparent and educator – at the same time-could be assimilated to a profession. Daily practised, the parental skills have to be improved, too. The début in developing the project idea was that a damaged relation parent-child is caused by a bad communication between themselves. A bad communication is the result of an insufficient knowledge about the psychological, social, medical identity of “3rd Millennium Family-Generation”.
The project “3rd Millennium Family-Generation"will support parents and grandparents who need to recreate, maintain or improve the communication among their own age-generations in order to get knowledge from each other and help in children's education and life values

Volunteerism is on the rise today as a unique means of informal learning for people in all age groups. Our aims include: To boost the public's motivation to engage in voluntary work&also, benefit from volunteers’ personal experience -To help volunteers gain new skills& competences to deal with the voluntary work they're involved in.-To contribute&enhance the ideals of solidarity&cooperation in the community.-To foster cooperation between EU organisations& share good practice in the training of volunteers&handling of the issue.-To provide volunteering opportunities for persons via contacts with voluntary organisations,public or private.

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